Chapter 16 Preference Mapping

[some narrative]

16.1 Example of Preference Mapping


16.2 PCA

PCA is a nice tool to get overview of structure in data. Here we explicitly are interested in hedonic liking of the 6 beer types, and whether there are certain beer-drinker profiles, such as some prefer dark beer, while others like wheat or pilsner.

The liking data is in long format, and as we want to see correlation between different beers we need to wrap the liking into wide format, this can be done using spread from tidyverse. Further, there is incomplete liking data, and here we only sustain hedonic answers from consumers with all 6 liking answers. This filter can be computed in different ways, here drop_na() is used.


xbeerliking <- beerliking %>% 
  spread(Beer,Liking) %>% # make into wide format

PCA is computed on the liking columns of this matrix

mdlPCA <- prcomp(xbeerliking[,13:18])

Those who like Ravnsborg red also likes NY Lager and to some extend Brown ale, while Porse Bock and Wheat IPA also attracts the same consumers.

In general there is a trend towards all liking score being positively correlated, meaning, that costumers overall like (or dis like) beer. This can both be a real phenomena, but also an artifact of the consumers not using the scale in a similar fashion. It is a very common phenomena for sensory and hedonic data.

We can glue on demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, etc., as well as questions on interest in food and beer on this figure to understand the consumer population.

ggbiplot::ggbiplot(mdlPCA, groups = xbeerliking$Gender, ellipse = T)

ggbiplot::ggbiplot(mdlPCA, groups = factor(xbeerliking$`Beer knowledge`), ellipse = T)

In general, the classical demographics do not relate to liking patterns, as shown by gender above. Try the others to confirm.

For interest in food and beer there are patterns. One example is the Beer knowledge with higher liking scores for more beer knowledge. Similar intuitive patterns can be seen for some of the other characteristics.

16.3 Analysis by PLS

Predictors can be objective characteristics of the products or CATA type data, while response is hedonic liking data. [minimum 5 samples

X = CATA (Beer_XYZmatrix.xlsx, sheet = X CATA (coll.)+Y liking (aver.)), Y = Living average Y2 = Liking for each consumer = t(Y (long thin))

Objective = Visualize to get patterns related to liking, and which deescriptors are merely irrelevant.

16.4 L-PLS [For the future…]

The data used in this section is from the paper: Giacalone, Davide, Wender L.P. Bredie, and Michael Bom Frøst. “‘All-In-One Test’ (AI1): A Rapid and Easily Applicable Approach to Consumer Product Testing.” Food quality and preference 27.2 (2013): 108–119. Web.. Data can be found in the data4consumerscience-package as beercata, beerdemo, beerliking

L-PLS is a valuable tool in identifying the sensory attributes and consumer background characteristics that contribute to a consumer’s liking of a product, such as beer.

A L-PLS model is created using three data blocks: X1, X2, and X3. X1 is an IxN matrix that contains consumer liking scores for each sample, X2 is an IxJ matrix that includes sensory attributes for each sample, and X3 is a KxN matrix that comprises consumer background data. I represents the number of samples (beer), N represents the number of consumers, J represents the number of sensory variables, and K represents the number of consumer background variables.

There are two ways to perform L-PLS: exo and endo. In the exo-LPLSR model, X1 serves as the regressor, while in the endo-LPLSR model, X2 and X3 are the regressors. The exo-LPLSR model typically explains more of X than the endo-LPLSR model because the exo-LPLSR derives its bilinear components from X, whereas the endo-LPLSR derives its components from Y and Z. The difference in the plot’s appearance can be predicted from the explained variance of each model type.

If both plots are similar in nature and in terms of the interpretation of the correlation loading plots, it may indicate consistent co-variation between the three matrices.

The exo version will only be showcased here, but the principle is the same, and endo can be useful for data exploration.


##Creating X1, X2, X3.

The preparation of the data, requires quite a lot of data manipulation.

# Load necessary libraries

# Prepare data for LPLS analysis

## Y - Beer Liking data
X1 <- beerliking %>%
  select(Beer, Liking, Consumer.ID) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Consumer.ID, values_from = Liking) %>%
  column_to_rownames("Beer") %>%

## X - Beer Attributes data
colnames(beercata) <- gsub("S_", "", colnames(beercata))
X2 <- beercata %>%
  select(Beer, Flowers:Vinous) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = !Beer, names_to = "Attribute", values_to = "Value") %>%
  group_by(Beer, Attribute) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(Sum_value = sum(Value)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Attribute", values_from = "Sum_value", values_fill = 0) %>%

## Z - Consumer Demographics data
# select subset of columns and create binary columns for categorical variables
binary_cols <- c("Gender", "Age", "Income", "Householdsize", "Beer types/month")
for (col in binary_cols) {
  if (is.factor(beerdemo[[col]]) | is.character(beerdemo[[col]])) {
    levels <- unique(beerdemo[[col]])
    for (level in levels) {
      new_col <- paste(col, level, sep = "_")
      beerdemo[[new_col]] <- ifelse(beerdemo[[col]] == level, "1", "0")

# pivot longer and summarize to calculate sum values for each Consumer ID-Attribute combination
X3 <- beerdemo %>%
  select(-(Gender:`Beer types/month`),`Interest in food`:`Beer types/month_9 - 16`,`Consumer ID`) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-`Consumer ID`), 
            .funs = list(~as.factor(.) %>% as.numeric())) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols =`Interest in food`:`Beer types/month_9 - 16` , names_to = "Attribute", values_to = "Value") %>%
  group_by(`Consumer ID`, Attribute) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(sum_Value = sum(Value)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Consumer ID", values_from = "sum_Value", values_fill = 0) %>%

# keep only columns in Y
col_names <- names(X1)
X3 <- X3[,col_names]

# LPLS function only accepts matrix. Convert data frames to matrices.
X1_mat <- as.matrix(X1)
X2_mat <- as.matrix(X2)
X3_mat <- as.matrix(X3)

##Building the model: The L-PLS model can be built, using the lpls function from the multiblock package.

#Scale the Z-matrix as we have semi-contious and binary data. 
lp_exo <- lpls(X1_mat,X2_mat,X3_mat,type = "exo",scale = c(F,F,T),doublecenter = T,ncomp = 5)

###Finding the explained variance for exo L-PLS

The explained variance for the exo L-PLS can easily be sacked from the model object, and displayed nicely in a table using the kableExtra package.

expVarExo <- t($vars)*100)
colnames(expVarExo) <- paste0("Comp ", 1:5)
rownames(expVarExo) <- paste0("X", 1:3)

#Create a table
kbl(expVarExo, caption = "Explained Variance by Component (%)",digits = 0) %>%
  kable_paper("hover",full_width = F)
Table 16.1: Explained Variance by Component (%)
Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 Comp 5
X1 58 14 16 9 3
X2 22 22 16 21 19
X3 1 2 1 1 1

The explained variance is first sacked from the L-PLS object, and stored in a data-frame, from where it is transposed, and converted to percentage (%). kbl function is then used to get a nice table.

From looking at the table, one would expect the consumer descriptors to be close to origin in terms of scores. One could have a look at the endo version of the L-PLS to get a better understanding of the consumer descriptors.

###Cross-validation Next let us have a look how many components we should look at, by doing a jack-knifing cross-validation on the consumers:

lp.cv2 <- lplsCV(lp_exo, segments2 = as.list(1:dim(X1)[2]))
## Segment 1 of 150 completed
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##     Comp1     Comp2     Comp3     Comp4     Comp5 
## 0.6985154 0.6882824 0.6859785 0.6892245 0.6893994

It looks like 2 components is sufficient.

###Vizulization Now we would like to visuzlalize our L-PLS model. When using L-PLS for vizulization one should use the orthognoal exo, as this will give the orthogonal scores. We build the orthogonal exo in the same way as before, but chainging the type.

lp_exo_ort <- lpls(X1_mat,X2_mat,X3_mat,type = "exo_ort",scale = c(F,F,T),doublecenter = T,ncomp = 5)

Now we plot the L-PLS model. One can chose to plot, the X1, X2 or X3 correlations, or perhaps a combination of 2, or all.

plot(lp_exo,doplot = c(F,F,T)) #X3 correlations
plot(lp_exo,doplot = c(F,T,F)) #X1 correlations
plot(lp_exo,doplot = c(T,T,F)) #X2 and X1 correlations
plot(lp_exo,doplot = c(F,T,T)) #X1 and X3 correlations

plot(lp_exo,doplot = c(T,T,T)) #combined

From the plots, the sensory attribute Berries is correlated with the sensory attribute Herbs. These two sensory attributes is in turn correlated with the beer River Beer. In turn River Beer is opposite of the beer Brown Ale, which seems to be very Foamy. In this case our consumer background descriptors do not seem to explain a whole lot. But it does seem like a young age Age 18-25 is associated with a low income (Income 0-10.000). Where a consumer of such description tends to like Porse Bock.

It is always a good idea to confirm the observed correlations by plotting the raw data. Lets have a look at some of them.